Sunday, November 7, 2010

PostSecret....basically describes my life on a daily basis. This one in particular, because its true, in a myriad of different ways. Today I felt more alone then I have in a very long time, it hit me like a ton of bricks while awkwardly standing in a room full of people listening to a bands that I've never heard of. (one guy was actually good, I bought his cd. That's beside the point)..I felt like I was in a fog, I blocked everyone out, all the noise and just sat there. Alone and thinking...for me that is not good. I try and keep myself busy all the time to distract me from things that I don't want to think about, but sometimes I just can't help it. I'm so ...blah... not my bubbly, funny, sweet self....just kinda ...blah. I know I will snap out of it soon, so I'm not worried. Just annoyed, tired and lonely. Please don't take this as a "feel sorry for me" post, because that is far from what is it. It's just me, expressing(or trying to express) what is going with me each day(or week, or month).

Okay, now that I've successfully blogged 3 times, looked through tons of postsecrets, facebook stalked, watched a show about zombies, read failbook & lamebook, and google earthed my own house, I think it's time I try and sleep.
Goognight, all.

1 comment:

Heather Alyse Closson said...

I saved this Postsecret to my computer. The only one I saved.