Thursday, October 28, 2010


So, here I sit, alone in the Phoenix airport. Everyone seems to know what they're doing, where they're going and such...and I'm just waiting for the board to tell me what gate I need to go to. I'm just sitting here aimlessly watching all the people pass by. The flight to Phoenix was pretty cool, I didn't have to sit by any annoying people. Phew! Just a mother and her son(he was pretty attractive. we listened to my pod. haha) so that made the 3 hour flight pretty nice. Taking off was a wee bit scary, but not to bad. I'm beyond tired though, been up since 2:30am. I'm just ready to be in California with my best fraaand! Whelp. I'mma go explore and see if I can find out what gate I need to be at. Bye!

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