Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Here is the list. This list consists of a few things on my mind...

1. I really need to start working out. I want to lose some weight and feel more comfortable in my own skin...but I am soooo unmotivated because I HATE exercise, to the max. I think I need a workout buddy? I don't know..

2. Facebook is really annoying. It gets more and more annoying every day. There are just some people on fb whose status's drive me insane(so I hide them) but a few here and there tend to work their annoying way into my news feed. Goodness..I need to take a facebook break.

3. I've been in contact with my Dad lately! He's been trying really hard to help me out with something and even if things don't work out..I really do appreciate all that he has been doing! :)
(fingers crossed that things do work out though)

Its been hitting me more and more lately how much this summer is going to mean to me. Its the summer before my best friends leave for Cali. I am SO excited for them though! And I hope they have an amazing time and love it so much...but I know its going to be hard for me when they are gone..so I need to take advantage of this summer as much as possible. But I will have my few other best friends here who will be in the same boat as me...so I won't be alone! ...I.LOVE.MY.BESTIES. :]

COLLEGE. Goodness...this is so annoying. I know that money is going to be a huge issue when it comes to going to the school I really want to..and I've been stressin that for a few days now. I need to get my art portfolio started (and I think the reason I've been so hesitant to start is because I'm not very confident in my stuff yet, but I'm getting there) So I have that on my mind..then there is the whole money thing.UGH. I just need to breath and take it one day at a time.

6. JOB. I went to a job fair thing at the zoo a few days ago and I got asked to come back for a second interview(WAHOOO) Trying not to get my hopes up to much, but I reeeeallly need this to work out! Fingers crossed!

Should I clean my room tonight? Or tomorrow?

8. I wish I had some fingernail polish remover.

The Duggar's are bizarre to me.

10. I wonder if anyone really reads my blog?? Hahaha..probably not. ;]