I need to run through my thoughts:
February is going to go so slow, I can just feel it.
March is going to be busy. But not just busy, nerve racking. I'm going to be anxious until the interview is over and done with. I'm hoping it ends with good news, but I'm trying to not to get my hopes up to awfully high. I'm just praying that it does good!
April, May, and part of June, assuming the interview goes good, are going to be the longest months ever! But in very same way, they're going to go by way way to fast. They're also going to be hard months, but well worth it. Gah, okay I've got to stop thinking about these months or I'm gonna start crying now. Tears of happiness and tears of sadness. But not now!
But every month after that will be the beginning of my adventure, and I can't wait!!
It's so amazing to me how things just fall into place, even if it doesn't turn out how I'm hoping it does, I can tell that something is happening-something amazing, and I will embrace whatever it turns out to be. I just love looking back and seeing things that didn't happen, that I thought should've. But if they had then I wouldn't be where I am now-which is better than where I would've been had what I wanted to happen, happened. Haha if that makes any sense. God is just so good, he sees things that I just don't. And even though he shows me that time and time again, I sometimes still tend to forget, but I always seem to come to that realization again. It's just nice to be reminded of that fact, it makes me feel...comfortable. More comfortable than I have in a long time, I've never made such a big decision that felt so, right. Even if I don't end up going where I think I'm going, I still feel like it's the right decision because either way I feel it's going to lead me to the place I need to be. Where ever that may be.
I just can't wait for the next phase of my life to begin! I'm just so excited to see what all happens over the next few months. It's going to be quite the journey, but one that I'm anxious to take. ...phew. I guess with every big snow storm comes a big blog. haha Who would'a thunk it.