Monday, January 31, 2011


Haha okay I'm jumping on this bandwagon. Twitter is BLOWING UP about the "snowpocalypse" that is starting tonight. I just keep laughing at what people are saying, it's so funny. But in preparation of this storm I went to the store and got my supplies, a bag of mints, a bag of sunflower seeds, air heads, powerade, snapple and ringpops. Then I went to the library and got some new reading material. Pretty much everything I could possibly need over the next couple of days. Now I'm about to take a shower (just in case the pipes freeze or whatever and I wouldn't be able to tomorrow), then I have big plans to make my bed super cozy, get my snacks, books, laptop, movies and socks. Curl up and do absolutely nothing productive all night, sleep in tomorrow and stay warm. After I finish blogging, of course. What a lovely plan, I think.

I need to run through my thoughts:
February is going to go so slow, I can just feel it.
March is going to be busy. But not just busy, nerve racking. I'm going to be anxious until the interview is over and done with. I'm hoping it ends with good news, but I'm trying to not to get my hopes up to awfully high. I'm just praying that it does good!
April, May, and part of June, assuming the interview goes good, are going to be the longest months ever! But in very same way, they're going to go by way way to fast. They're also going to be hard months, but well worth it. Gah, okay I've got to stop thinking about these months or I'm gonna start crying now. Tears of happiness and tears of sadness. But not now!
But every month after that will be the beginning of my adventure, and I can't wait!!

It's so amazing to me how things just fall into place, even if it doesn't turn out how I'm hoping it does, I can tell that something is happening-something amazing, and I will embrace whatever it turns out to be. I just love looking back and seeing things that didn't happen, that I thought should've. But if they had then I wouldn't be where I am now-which is better than where I would've been had what I wanted to happen, happened. Haha if that makes any sense. God is just so good, he sees things that I just don't. And even though he shows me that time and time again, I sometimes still tend to forget, but I always seem to come to that realization again. It's just nice to be reminded of that fact, it makes me feel...comfortable. More comfortable than I have in a long time, I've never made such a big decision that felt so, right. Even if I don't end up going where I think I'm going, I still feel like it's the right decision because either way I feel it's going to lead me to the place I need to be. Where ever that may be.

I just can't wait for the next phase of my life to begin! I'm just so excited to see what all happens over the next few months. It's going to be quite the journey, but one that I'm anxious to take. ...phew. I guess with every big snow storm comes a big blog. haha Who would'a thunk it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The sun is calling me to the west...

Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, sorry. I just had to get that out of my system. *Breath, Kirstin*

I'm just so excited about life right now! But I don't want to jinx it by talking about it too soon, or too much. But I just can't help myself, so I will try and keep this short. haha

The past couple of months have been an intense roller coaster for me, when it comes to where my life is going. So many questions about life, What do I go to college for? Where do I go to college? Do I even want to go to college? All of these questions have slowly but surely been answering themselves, one by one. (With prayer, of course).

I've finally figured out what I honestly and surely want to do with my life. I've never felt so confident about a decision in my entire life. I'm going to become a make-up artist! There are colleges all over the country that I'm looking into, but there is one that is sticking out. (I'd tell you which one, but I'm gonna wait until it's for sure that I'm going to apply there). Just know that I've never been more excited and confident about something in my entire life! And everything that led up to this decision just adds to my confidence that this is what I'm supposed to do. I also really believe that this is a God thing. I've been praying for guidance and clarity for months and I feel like the fog is clearing and I'm starting to see the answers. Again, I'm SO excited!!

I'm so motivated right now, I just want to get the ball rolling and start this process! Not only do I feel good about this decision, but the people in my life whose opinions matter the most to me, also feel good about it! That just makes me even more confident, and sure that this is the direction I'm supposed to go in. But we'll just have to wait and see what happens, I guess. But don't worry, I'll keep you up to date. :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Today has not been good. But tomorrow is a new day.(said in the voice of a super hero, i don't know why) It is also Saturday! Which means, sleeeep. haha I'm so lame. But it's whatever. I'm sick-ish. So I've been laying in bed all day, watching The Big Bang Theory(suuuper hilarious show). I did however get out for a bit to go to the bank and then get the oil changed in my car-and I went there all by myself. I felt like such a grown up. haha! But anywhay.... I think I'm gonna trot on over to the local Wal-Mart and see what that has in store for me! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Well...I've been happier.

I hate how I can be really happy and in a good mood...then BAM, I see or hear something that makes me just..blah. It shouldn't work like that-people shouldn't be able to just bring me down and put me in a mood so easily. So why do I let it happen? I don't know. I'm working on not letting other people effect me so much, and I think I'm getting better at it. Tonight just isn't good. But tomorrow is a new day! With new people, new ideas and new beginnings. Sometimes though, I wish I could just curl up in my bed and hide for days. Not talk to anyone, not see anyone or even think about anyone. But only sometimes! I like the life I live and the people it in. ...well, most of the people-haha. I'm usually pretty happy, I like to smile and make people smile. But you can't make other people smile when you yourself aren't smiling and happy...I don't like feeling like this.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I MEAN, It's 2011 & I am now 18.

All of these are things I enjoy...
That I say "I mean" completely inappropriately before sentences, because of Heather. Singing songs from musicals. Unicorns and narwhals. Cleaning when I'm stressed. The smell of books and magazines. The show Dexter. Tye dye shirts. My "Wreck This Journal". When Casey & Camden call me "Sissy" and never Kirstin. Long talks with friends. Going to Church & singing. Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino from Starbucks. Shopping for clothes alone. Smiling at strangers. Trying new food. Driving aimlessly at night. My mom's hugs. Eating sunflower seeds. Singing at the top of my lungs and dancing around all goofy with friends. Having a bunch of random pillows and stuffed animals on my bed. Painting my nails. Doing other people's hair and make-up. Dancing around my house when I'm home alone. Spending time with Cooper. When I see people picking their nose while driving. Shopping at the GoodWill. People watching at Cedar Point. Peacock feathers. Chicago. Sweat pants. Sitting in Gail's room, watching random movies and laughing about nothing. Crayons. Flowers. Twitter. Reading other blogs. Searching Flickr for cool and artsy pictures. Laughing so hard it hurts, and even sometimes crying. Listening to the songs my best friend wrote. Making new friends. Sleeping all day, especially when it's raining. Hats with poms on the top. Bowling, even though I suck at it. Fanny Packs and wearing them in public. Bruno Mars. Quoting Gilmore Girls in everyday conversations. Playing silent football, but only when Nathan is the game master. Finding jeans that fit perfectly. Rave hairspray. Facebook stalking. Saving all my Birthday and Christmas cards. Collecting my movie ticket stubs. Being cold. Those amazing sports bras that Bekka showed me that I can only find at Target. Making lists. Changing my hair with the seasons. Thunder storms and snow storms. Purses. Watching people while they watch a movie for the first time. Cleaning out not only my car, but other people's as well. Praying. Rapping to my rap songs. Thinking about what I would do if I had my own planet. Learning new things. Spring cleaning. Xaaanaduuuu. My Aunt Lee Ann's cheese ball and dirt pudding. Having friends I can trust & count on. Being a friend that someone can trust & count on. Making people smile.

All of these are things I do not enjoy...
Wearing the color yellow. Most Will Ferrell movies. Knives. Drinking milk. Most Radio DJ's(not Chris Cruise, of course). Being stressed. Not knowing. Having nightmares. The song "Pants on the Ground". Poking my eye with my eyeliner. Waking up early. When my feet smell. Small sunglasses. Touching Grass. Taylor Swift. Indianapolis. Being hot. Having bad hair days. Being alone.